Contact us: info@itrtheatre.com
Self-Help Tickets are on sale NOW.
October 22, 2021
Good news! We are coming back to you live and in-person this November for a performance of Self-Help by Norm Foster at the Alfred Taylor Recreation Center in North Gower. Read more to learn our new COVID19 guidelines for in-person performances.
In accordance with the requirements of the Province of Ontario, proof of vaccination or medical exemption from a doctor (along with a photo ID) will be required at the door for admission to the venue. Regardless of vaccination status, masks must be worn at all times. Tickets must be purchased and paid for in advance at www.itrtheatre.com/shows.
Tickets may not be purchased by phone or at the door. Seating is limited to 80 audience members per show. If you wish to sit in a group, all of the tickets for that group must be purchased by one individual. Seating will be arranged according to the number of audience members in each ticket order and will not be able to be changed at the venue.
Although things will look a bit different than shows we have done in the past, we look forward to seeing you all again.
Tickets on sale October 22nd.
Tickets can be reserved and/or purchased by Patrons who have paid in full starting Oct. 8th by sending a message to ticketinfo@itrtheatre.com
Showtimes are as follows:
Evenings November 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 at 7:30pm
Matinees November 20, 21, 28 at 2:00pm
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@itrtheatre.com