As per the message below about why you would BECOME a member, we hope that as a current member you have seen the benefits of participating and will continue to do so. Membership dues are to be paid prior to the Annual General Meeting held in September. In order to renew your membership, please pay your fee online.
Community Theatre is all about both the community it serves and the community/the family it builds. We always welcome new members and we hope you will consider joining our family.
By becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to help set ITR’s future directions. As a member, you can attend our Annual General meeting and vote on changes to the ITR Constitution as well as electing the Board will that put these changes into effect. There will also be General Membership Meetings, one in the spring and one in late fall, as a way of celebrating ITR and its supporters. While we will be discussing ITR and how to move forward, these meetings will also be a wonderful social opportunity to connect with others who share an interest in theatre.
Members can also get involved in ITR activities both ongoing and during productions. On the membership form you will find many volunteer opportunities that might be of interest to you.
The membership fee is $10 for the year. To join, fill out the membership form and pay your fee online.
Alternatively, you can print the membership form and send it along with a cheque for $10 to ITR Theatre Company, P.O. Box 645, Osgoode ON, K0A 2W0. If you are an ITR patron, you are already a member. You don't need to reapply.
Thanks for submitting! Please remember to also use the link above to pay your dues.