Contact us: info@itrtheatre.com
ITR’s 50th Celebration Events
March 10, 2023
The first event in our 50 the Anniversary Celebration, Death by Dénouement, A Mary Jane Maffini Murder
Mystery was a huge success. We also were able to raise $840 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
The next event on our anniversary calendar is “The Way We Were” which is a retrospective of scenes we
all love from shows over our 5 decades. To the greatest extent possible, we will be brining back the
original casts as well. The show will be the June 10 weekend at the Osgoode Community Centre. Tickets
for this show go on sale May 8.
Coming on September 9 and 10 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Osgoode Community Centre, is the
Community Theatre Expo where we will be partnering with sister theatre companies to present
information and workshops on all aspects of theatre production including acting, voice, promotion,
youth in theatre, costumes, make-up, props and set design. All participating theatre companies will also
have booths highlighting their activities including upcoming shows. We will have a photo booth with
costumes and face painting for the kids.
We would like to start posting anniversary greeting from individuals who have been with ITR a long time
and even those who are new to ITR. If you have some words of support or a funny ITR story to tell,
please forward them to us at ITR50th@gmail.com.