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A Murder is Announced
Apr 20th-29th
An announcement in the local paper states the time and place when a murder is to occur in Miss Blacklock's Victorian house. The victim is not one of the house's several occupants, but an unexpected and unknown visitor. What follows is a classic Christie puzzle of mixed motives, concealed identities, a second death, a determined Inspector grimly following the twists and turns and Miss Marple on hand to provide the final solution at some risk to herself in a dramatic confrontation just before the final curtain.

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Julia Simmons - Janice Marks
Letitia Blacklock - Janice Blampied
Dora Bunner - Lorraine Hopkins
Patrick Simmons - David Lang
Mitzi - Larissa Christensen
Miss Marple - Christine Erdos O'Malley
Phillipa Haymes - Myrna Ferris , Sophie Hall
Mrs. Swettenham - Lindley Morrison
Edmund Swettenham - Len Trembley
Rudi Scherz - Dan Murray
Inspector Caddock - Harold Swaffield
Sergeant Mellors - Dirk Visbach
Producers - Louise Lagace , Barbara Stiles
Co-Director - Sophie Hall , Helen Visbach
Lighting - Bryan Hamilton
Sound - John Barnard
Props & Stage Dressing - Elaine Trembley
Set Design & Construction - Len Trembley
Set Decoration - Catherine Potts-Halpin
Wardrobe - Catherine Potts-Halpin
Makeup - Sophie Hall
Front of House - Anne Peterson
Bar Manager - Sharon Barnard , Judy Carey
Box Office - Wayne Hall
Webmaster - Wayne Hall
PR/Media - Sheila Dubyk
Sponsors - Louise Lagace
Programme & Graphic Design - Michelle Stewart
Photography - Michelle Stewart