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A Virtual Whodunnit
April 8th - 11th
Preston Sterling is hosting a Zoom meeting with his children, third wife and closest staff to celebrate his birthday. The bitter old billionaire is bullying everyone once again and threatening to change his will when—ZZZZZT! Sterling is electrocuted through his phone. Enter Sloan, Rockford Sloan, homicide detective. Through a series of Zoom conferences, Sloan questions the usual suspects, all of whom had a motive.
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Preston Sterling - Dirk Visbach
Juniper - Karin Murray-Bergquist
Florina - Andrée-Cybèle Bilinski
Eugene - Greg Geisler
Bullion - Dennis Sakalauskas
Macy - Paola Della Malva
Haley - Tanja Puchala
Barry - Kevin Anderson
Detective Sloan - Len Tremblay
Director - Andree Dimitrijevic
Technical Director - John Garroch
Assistant Technical Director - Paul Richmond
Co-Producers Myrna Ferris and Helen Visbach
Closed Captioning Suzy Potts
Graphics - Catherine Potts-Halpin
Sponsorships - Louise Lagace and Jorie Basque
Photographer - Michelle Stewart