Contact us: info@itrtheatre.com
The Way We Were
June 10
A retrospective of performances over the 50 years of ITR's history, performed in large part by the original casts as part of ITR's 50th anniversary celebration.

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We Love to Laugh:
Reen Pacholik
Edith Batstone
Patricia O'Brien
Kim Blanche
Boeing, Boeing:
Intro/Berthe - Lorraine Hopkins
Robert - Greg Thurlow
Gabriella - Larisa Christensen
Bernard - Garnet Quail
Gloria - Robin Churchill
Gretchen - Jake Blair
See How They Run:
Intro/Ida - Rilla O’Brien
Miss Skillon - Krista Kelly
Penelope - Paola Della Malva
Clive - Whitney Quail
Humphrey - Laurie Greiner
Lionel - Garnet Quail
Bishop - Tony Adams
The Intruder - Seamus O’Brien
There Goes the Bride:
Intro/Timothey - Rick Sidock
Babcock - Tony Adams
Polly - Larisa Christensen
Ursula - Amy Quinn O’Brien
Gerald - Ted Stiles
Judy - Gabby Belway-Lodge
Bill - Seamus O’Brien
Daphne - Laurie Greiner
Perfect Wedding:
Intro/Bill - Whitney Quail
Judy - Michelle Stewart
Julie - Amy Quinn O’Brien
Rachel - Rachel Belway
Tom - Seamus O’Brien
Daphne - Jake Blair
All Together Again:
Intro - Michelle Stewart
Pop - Dirk Visbach
Helena - Judy Beltzner
George - Lee Powell
Steel Magnolias:
Intro - Lorraine Hopkins
M’Lynn - Judy Beltzner
Ouiser - Paula Maloney
Clairee - Janice Blampied
Truvy - Lorraine Hopkins/Sophie Hall
The Foreigner:
Intro/Catherine -Joanna Jackson-Kelly
Charlie - Chad Wolfe
Producers - Sheila Dubyk, Helen Visbach
Stage Manager - Connor Ibach
Assistant Stage Manager - Frederick Lang
Early Plays Coordinator - Krista Lang
Assistant Early Plays Coordinator - Anik Whyte
Running Crew - Caleb O’Brien
Lights - Bryan Hamilton
Sound - John Barnard
Projection - Bill Blampied
Props - Louise Legasé
Set/Scrim - Wally Dubyk, Catherine Potts-Halpin
Wardrobe - Helen Visbach
Front of House Manager - Anne Peterson
Canteen - Jorie Basque
Greeter - Klaus Beltzner
Bar Manager - Sharon Barnard, Judy Carey
Box Office - Wayne Hall
Webmaster - Suzy Potts
PR / Media - Sheila Dubyk
Posters/Programs - Michelle Stewart