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Waiting for the Parade
Nov 9th-18th
Waiting for the Parade is a series of vignettes about five Calgary women on the home front in the Second World War, a time fraught with loneliness, propaganda and rationing. It's a celebration of the unsung heroes of war, the women that sustain the nation while men are enthralled in conflicts.

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Janet - Cathy Dowsett
Catherine - Tanja Puchala
Margaret - Janice Blampied
Marta - Andree-Cybele Bilinski
Eve - Logan Grahame
Producers - Sophie Hall , Sheila Dubyk
Director - Lorraine Hopkins
Assistant Direct - Helen Visbach
Stage Manager - Myrna Ferris
Sound - John Barnard
Lighting - Bryan Hamilton
Projection - Bill Blampied
Props - Louise Lagace
Set Design & Construction - Catherine Potts-Halpin
Set Decoration - Catherine Potts-Halpin
Wardrob - Helen Visbach
Makeup - Laura Busby
Choreography - Laura Smith
Front of House - Judy Beltzner
Bar Manage - Sharon Barnard , Judy Carey
Box Office - Wayne Hall
Webmaster - Wayne Hall
PR/Media - Sheila Dubyk , Lindley Morrison , Judy Beltzner
Sponsors - Louise Lagace
Programme & Graphic Design - Michelle Stewart
Photography - Michelle Stewart