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Linda Feenstra
Acting, Production

Acting Roles
Gwendolyn Pigeon The Odd Couple 1995
Karen Nash, Norma Hubley Plaza Suite 1993
Lottie Molloy The Murder Room 1992
Persis Devore Let's Murder Marsha 1990
Karen Clayton House on the Cliff 1989
Lisa Graham The Tomorrow Box 1988
Production Roles
Foyer Display Arsenic And Old Lace 1996
Producer, Costumes The Odd Couple 1995
Director Play On! 1995
Front of House Murder On The ReRun 1994
Assistant Director, Costumes, Advertising Breath of Spring 1994
Producer, Set Decoration & Properties Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii 1993
Director Caught in the Villain's Web 1991
Lighting, Costumes Once is Enough 1990
Stage Manager, Set Designer Murder at the Howard Johnson's 1989
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